Our History

LPGE was founded in 2008 by Horacio M. Durán and Fernando Gassó for the development and implementation of projects and solutions in the fields of Costs, Management and Energy throughout Argentina and Paraguay.

In 2013,  Alejandro de la Barra, a specialist in electrical and electronic engineering, joined our team as a partner, while in 2018  Sebastian Zapata, a specialist in Sustainable Air Conditioning joined us as a team member. With Horacio Durán becoming majority partner, LPGE became a leading company in energy efficiency, opening offices in the Dominican Republic for the development of the Bocel Group project (second flour mill in the country).

In 2016, associates from Germany were incorporated and, after a significant investment in R&D, we developed inhouse a propietary technology for indoors air conditioning monitoring and control system to optimize energy consumption. We currently manufacture, install and control remotely the complete system ourselves..

Today we are the only manufacturers of this modality of efficiency in air conditioning in the Americas.

Who we are - Partners

Horacio Duran

Horacio Duran (MSc Ind. Eng.)

Horacio is a Civil Engineer from UCA and obtained his Master in Business Administration at IAE Business School in 1986. He got as well a EUREM (European Energy Manager) certificate in 2016. Throughout his 40 years of experience in energy, construction and productivity fields, he developed projects in Argentina, Dominican Republic, Paraguay. Author of JIC software (Just in Cost) for process design and cost optimization. Currently serves as Managing Partner of LPGE.

Daniel Kobryniec (MSc Mec. Eng.)

Daniel is a Mechanical Engineer from Universidad Técnica Nacional, and he got his PhD in Nuclear Engineering at Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He worked as Senior Project Manager (Wind Energy) at Juwi Holding AG, in wind farm projects in Uruguay, Ethiopia, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands and Bulgaria. He is former manager in America of Spares in Motion, and he provides consultancy services on wind energy for companies in Europe.

Alejandro de la Barra MSc Electromechanical Eng.)

Alejandro is an Electromechanical Engineer from Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), and he got a certificate in Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems Design at Instituto Argentino de Automatización Idustrial. He has worked previously at Geodata Engineering S.p.A. where he specialized in the development of applied engineering software. Senior consultant of the Electrical Engineering Project of the Paseo del Bajo, 7 km viaduct under the city of Buenos Aires.

Team members:

Sebastián Zapata

Sebastián graduated as an electronic engineer from the University of Buenos Aires and has 15 years of experience in the area of air conditioning and thermal optimization.